PTSD Self-Care; Post Traumatic Stress Self-Care in Waco

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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Self-Care in Waco

I looked out over the crowd in Waco, a mixture of both veterans and nonmilitary personnel. I asked, “What About Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Self Care?” The room was quiet. They had come to learn about Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in others, particularly in people who had experienced sexual trauma. They didn’t think they would come to Waco and hear something on the topic of Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Self-Care.

I explained to them that you cannot care for people in Waco with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and not practice Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Self Care. If you are not going to be good to you, who is?

Treat yourself like someone you love.

I think you would find my book ‘#dealwithit- living well with PTSD’ helpful. I talk about what I did to help graduate beyond just being a ‘survivor’ of PTSD and trauma; what works; what doesn’t; what I screwed up. About overcoming adversity and mental illness.

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